An experiment was conducted from March to June, 2022 for safe mango production under Dinajpur condition. The mango fruits were bagged at marble stage (45 days after fruit set) with different types of bags such as, Brown paper bag (BPB); White paper bag (WPB) and no bagging (control).The experiment was conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The pre-harvest bagging modified fruit retention, time required from bagging to harvest, physico-chemical composition of mature and ripening fruit, shelf life, chance of spongy tissue production and pest incidence. Fruit retention was significantly enhanced by pre-harvest fruit bagging with a brown paper bag (76.66%), white paper bag (78.97%), and control (66.00%). In physical parameters, the maximum fruit weight (145.67g) was recorded from a brown paper bag while the minimum result was found in the control (141.34g). Again, in bagging fruits, chemical parameters of total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, citric acid, reducing sugars and β- carotene were higher than the control. Brown paper bag changed fruit color. Fruits with brown paper bags showed shelf life up to 17 days with the lowest weight loss and good physical quality as against 12 days of controlled fruits. Pre-harvest bagging also reduced the chance of spongy tissue and the incidence of mealy bugs. These results indicate that fruit bagging can improve the quality of fruit through reduction in disease and insect-pest attack and quality of mango cv. Gopalbhog.
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