An experiment was conducted during the period from July to September, 2018 at Research field of Crop Physiology and Ecology Department, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University, Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The experiment was undertaken to investigate the effect of GA3 on morphology, flowering, and fruit yield of snake gourd. The experiment consisted of two factors: Factor A: Three levels of GA3 viz. 0 ppm, 200 ppm and 300 ppm foliar application of GA3; Factor B: Three snake gourd varieties viz. Surma, Hira and Atrai. Total nine treatment combinations were implemented in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Foliar application of 200 ppm GA3 was found significantly superior in terms of growth, flowering, yield and yield contributing characters i.e. vine length (cm), number of primary branches plant-1, number of nodes plant-1, days required to first male and female flowering, days required for 1st female flowering to harvest, SPAD value of leaves (flowering stage), number of male and female flowers plant-1, number of fruits plant-1, single fruit weight (g), fruit yield plant-1 (kg) and fruit yield (t ha-1) as compared to control and 300 ppm of GA3. The highest fruit yield (33.03 t ha-1) of snake gourd was recorded in Surma variety under foliar application of 200 ppm GA3 and lowest fruit yield (5.53 t ha-1) was recorded in Atrai variety under control condition.
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